Friday 11 July 2014

納蘭性德 誰念西風獨自涼 Who would know I’m engulfed alone




TUNE: Huàn Qī Shā "Silk-Washing Stream"
(Memorial Song for Late Wife)
-- by Nàlán Xìngdé(1655~1685)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Who would care Im engulfed alone in chilly West Wind blowing?

My slim windows almost covered by the yellow dead leaves flying.
In deep thoughts of past events, I stand in the red Sun sinking;

I used to be drunk in Spring, from sound sleep you would not wake me;
We played literary games to vie for the first cup of tea.
I thought then these were just ordinary things as things could be!   

Translator's Note:

"賭書" "潑茶":

following copied from wikipedia:


< 納蘭性德(1655年1月19日-1685年7月1日...),納喇氏,原名成德,避太子保成諱改名為性德,字容若,號飲水、楞伽山人,室名通志堂、淥水亭、珊瑚閣、鴛鴦館、繡佛齋。滿洲正黃旗人,清朝政治人物、詞人、學者。

... 納蘭性德十九歲時(約1674年)娶兩廣總督盧興祖之女為妻,夫妻十分恩愛。可惜好景不長,才過了三年多的時間,盧氏就因難產而去世。納蘭性德為她寫下了許多感人至深的悼亡詞。又過了三年多,他續娶官氏為繼室。兩人感情也不錯。... >

1 comment:

  1. Hi Frank, here is my rendition:

    Poetry with tune "Wash silk cloth in a stream" by Na Lan Xing De, Qing Dynasty.
    Translated by Alan Ma


    Who would still think of lonely me in the chilly West wind?
    Yellow leaves fly high blocking noisily the carved window,
    Immersed in meditation of the past, I stand in the setting sun of gold.

    I used to drink and enjoy a leisure nap in Spring,
    We competed on memory of books to win the first fine tea drink,
    I thought all these then was a common daily thing.

    -End of translation-
